Salome Asseraf Trambach

Leadership Coaching

My approach

You are here because you want to honour your true self, lead authentically and lead with impact. But at times you are unsure where to start. You are ready to do something different, but you are not sure what that “something” is. As a leader you sometimes find yourself in a lonely place, unsure of where to go for the needed support and motivation. You are not alone.

I am here to lead you on a journey to better understand yourself and grow as a human being, and to support you in using that awareness to show up as the leader you aspire to be. My approach consists of inspiring you to maximize both your personal and professional potential.

"Your journey is yours and yours only."

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My coaching methodology

My methods

How I help

Embark on a transformational journey..

3 months

coaching program

6 months

coaching program

1 year

coaching subscription

* Offered in multiple languages: English, Danish & French

Aren’t sure what fits you best? Don’t sweat it. Get on a call with me and we can find out what works best for you. 

Why coaching?

As humans and leaders we all face insecurities, fears, doubts and challenges.  We all want and need to be seen. Heard. Recognized. Acknowledged. We need a space where we can show up exactly as we are, and feel safe enough be honest and be vulnerable. A place where we can let our seeds grow. That is what a coach is there for. That’s why I’m here. I’m in your corner. And we all need someone in our corner.

Gain deeper self-awareness

Become more conscious of your beliefs and limitations. Master your mindset and become more confident & courageous to take risks and achieve your goals

Gain clarity on your purpose

Discover your WHY and understand the changes you want to make in your life in order to achieve your desired goals.

Empower yourself & others

Step out of your comfort zone, let yourself be challenged and gain new perspectives on how to think, act and interact.

Become an impactful leader

Understand your power and how to use it for greater impact. Gain skills to inspire, empower and connect with others. .

There are no guarantees for success. But if you are open to the journey, if you are ready to commit to the change you want to see in your life, it can equip you to succeed. My job is to guide, support, challenge, and encourage you.

It’s all in your hands…